13 FIND Frequently Asked Questions for Businesses

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I advertise my business with 13 FIND?

You can register to advertise on 13 FIND, or call us on 1300 FIND HELP (1300 346 343) during business hours, and speak to one of our sales consultants.

Can I list my business on 13 FIND for free?

Yes you can. Simply click and it should only take a few minutes. But before you do, check out why it may be worth . The cost effectiveness of our Pay Per Lead options will significantly help customers find you. or find out more by calling us on 1300 FIND HELP (1300 346 343).

How do I claim a business already listed on 13 FIND?

You can claim a business by clicking on the "Claim this business" link on a business' details page. You will then be asked to log in or sign up for an account with 13 FIND so that you will be able to maintain your business listing's details.

How do I update my business' details on 13 FIND?

Follow the instructions above for claiming your business. Once registered with 13 FIND, you can log on to our website at any time and update the relevant details of your business.

How do I remove my business listing from 13 FIND?

If you would like your business to be removed from 13 FIND, just call the 13 FIND team on 1300 FIND HELP (1300 346 343) or send us an email.

Why do other businesses sometimes appear above my own advertised listing?

We're committed to helping the consumer find what they want, so relevance is a very important consideration for 13 FIND results. In some cases, the 13 FIND algorithm may determine that other businesses are more relevant. However, when an advertised listing and a free listing are equally relevant (e.g. both are electricians in the same suburb), then the advertised electrician will appear above the free listing.

Please note that when 13 FIND has more than one advertised business in the same location, the order in which they appear is randomly rotated using our "Fair Go" principle, to ensure that all advertised businesses receive equal treatment over time.

Can I have a listing for each of the postcodes my business services?

You are able to specify the postcodes that your business services, or to specify a radius around specific suburbs. However, you do need to think carefully before selecting this option for your business. If you are a fixed location business (e.g. retail store, or restaurant), and your customers always (or mostly) come to your premises, then we advise that you don't select specific suburbs (13 FIND will automatically deliver you leads within or near your catchment area). As an advertiser on 13 FIND, your business receives priority over businesses that are not advertisers, so (all other considerations being equal), your business will come ahead of them in search results.

If you are a business that supplies a service at your customers' location (home or business), then you could consider specifying which suburbs you wish to serve, so that 13 FIND only delivers you leads when these specific suburbs (or those within your specified radius) are requested. You should remember that 13 FIND is a Pay Per Lead service, so you should only specify those areas that you are genuinely committed to serving, otherwise you'll be paying for leads that you don't want!

What is Pay Per Lead?

Unlike other directories, which require advertisers to pay monthly or annual subscriptions and hope for leads (which are often not measured anyway), 13 FIND advertisers only pay when they receive a measurable "lead". This minimises the risk for 13 FIND advertisers, and ensures that they get a commercial return on their advertising investment.

Category Call SMS Web Mobile
Please select a category to get prices..
How am I billed for the leads that I receive?

When you select a credit bundle with 13 FIND, your account is credited with the relevant amount. Every time a lead is generated for your business, your account is debited by the amount that relates to the specific type of lead that was generated – the exact amount depends on which categories your business is linked to. See above for details on the amounts charged for each lead. For example, if your business appears in website search results, and is clicked for contact details, that is a billable event. If someone calls your business after being given the phone number by 13 FIND, that is another billable event.

Each billable event results in your account being debited by the relevant amount. You can track how many leads (billable events) have been delivered by 13 FIND by logging on to 13find.com.au and visiting the online advertiser centre. Each lead will be detailed against your account, and the amount your account was charged for each lead. You will also see the remaining credit balance in your account, and be able to top up your account online.

How much does it cost to advertise?

Advertising with 13 FIND costs as little as $300, for an entry level credit bundle. There are also larger credit bundles available, which offer bonus credits, as per the table below.

Price Bonus Description
$300 +GST - Starter Pack, for those wanting to dip their toes in the water!
$500 +GST + $25 Free! Bronze Value Pack with 5% bonus credit
$1,000 +GST + $100 Free! Silver Value Pack with 10% bonus credit
$5,000 +GST + $750 Free! Gold Value Pack with 15% bonus credit

Once you pay for your credit bundle, your account is credited with the value of that credit bundle, plus any eligible bonus credits. As your listed business(es) receives leads, your account is debited with the relevant cost for each type of lead. Pay-Per-Lead is explained below. You are able to track how many leads you receive, and track your account balance on the My Businesses page, whenever you log in to your account.

When your credit balance reaches 50% and 20% of the credit bundle amount, you will receive automated emails suggesting that you top up your account, which you can do online using a credit card.

How do I know if I'm getting value-for-money from my investment in 13 FIND?

To check out the number of leads your 13 FIND account is generating, to visit your Advertiser Centre, then click on "Report" next to one of your businesses. You will see some very simple graphs which show exactly what leads (e.g. clicks, SMSes, calls, etc) have been generated for your business by day, week or month! Each lead will be detailed against your account, and the amount your account was charged for each lead. You will also see the remaining credit balance in your account, and be able to top up your account online.

How do I top up my 13 FIND advertiser account?

Log into the 13 FIND website advertiser portal and purchase another credit bundle using your credit card.

What are bonus credits, and how do I earn them?

Bonus credits are your reward for committing to spending more with 13 FIND. The larger the credit bundle you choose, the more bonus credits you receive. Bonus credits are effectively additional dollars that are credited to your account, which means you receive more leads that you would without the bonus credits, and your average cost per lead comes down!

What payment options do I have for paying for credit bundle?

13 FIND accepts American Express, Visa and Mastercard credit cards.

What are the various ways that customers use 13 FIND?

Customers can access 13 FIND through all popular communications channels. They can:

  • Call 13 FIND for just the cost of a Local Call or their standard mobile rates. Telcos charge $1.50 to $3.00+ for a similar service.
  • Go online to 13find.com.au from any computer, smartphone or internet enabled tablet.
  • Use 13 FIND’s iPhone/iPad or Android mobile apps.

Why advertise with 13 FIND?

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